Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stupid day start

I don't know.

Yesterday was absolutely a fulfilled day. I accomplished things i needed to accomplish. I was able to send the letter to a national high school where we will have a research on adolescent reproductive health and i believe that they'll be positive about it. I was able to proofread and edit the summer publication of our school and hopefully be finalized today. I was able to went home safe and sound with a smiling welcome from my mom and a big laugh from my home buds.

I just woke up this morning thinking i'm alright, that all is well, there's so much to laugh and smile of when i step out the walls of my room. I thought all will be just fine.

But why did it came the other way around?

I know, the difference between a bad and good day is the attitude but i just can't have control over my attitude right now. I asked my mom if what's the schedule of classes of the former president of the student government of my school, but she didn't know. Then, she asked why, telling me to answer fast coz she's a bit late from her classes but still she wanted to know the reason why so she can help me out.

But i was yet a bit hanging over from the shock caused by the transmission from my dreams to reality and i just can't get the right answer fast and i was darn screwed up. So when i was able to adjust i told her its because we have a project and i wanted to request him to visit the city health office to ask for some reproductive health related records (with stupid gestures, obviously upset).

My mom, thinking i am pissed with my responsibilities from a youth group, told me to get out of it for now because i seemed uninterested and unhappy about it. But there i answered back with a loud voice and wrong gestures as if i'm talking to a dog, "I am interested!" (Am I really?)

Probably, my mom went disrupted because after she talked with me, there was a complaint from the neighborhood against our helper which i don't know why. Two arguments in a row? Goodness! Shut the tooot up!

Good thing i'm relieved just posting it here. But how about my mom? S"""

Man! i always wished for a life rewind!


Anonymous said...

aruy.. what a morning ata..
well, good thing you have this blog for unwinding.. wahehe..

boink boink boink..more bloggin' from you sir quincy.. :)

Aethen said...

blogging is one way of channeling our upset feelings. How was your mother now? tell her not to worry about it. it will be pressure - stress for her.

next time try to make your own mood for a day... control it. color it. :)